Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fun Links

This is a cop-out of a post, but I've got a couple videos to share.

The first one is a song. I'm not a big country music fan, but this recent video is from a band in Canada who had a guitar damaged by United Airlines baggage handlers and got nowhere trying to get the airline to take any responsibility, so they made a video. The song is quite good, the video is good, and I like the singer's voice. There are two more videos on the way, this is the first installment. I'm about ready to go buy one of their CDs.

I guess the next one is also a song. This is a really inventive video. They've got some sort of software to convert speech into "singing," but the stuff they added and the way they split-screened the various bits is really quite good. This is sort of a paean to partisanship, featuring Sarah Palin of course, and our favorite Michele Bachmann.

OK, one more, and it is not a song. It is an animated graph. I had to watch it a few times before I figured out what it was. It shows the life expectancy and average income of various countries over time. The size of the circles also shows their populations. The color of the circles is the continent the country belongs to (if you put your mouse on a bubble it shows the name of the country, but sometimes they bounce too quickly for you to read what they are). After you click this link, press the play button after it loads. (There's a second tab that shows country population over time on a world map.)

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