Thursday, July 16, 2009

Senators On Parade

Oy--this is the kind of week I've had, I laughed uproariously when I read this. First I must say that I've actually listened to parts of the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings this week, because MPR has been broadcasting them live, so they've been on during at least parts of my morning commutes. I have tremendous admiration (?) for people who listen to these things for the purpose of reporting on them, or live-blogging them, because really an hour is about all you can possibly stand, especially that first day when each senator is just flapping their gums about whatever and the nominee has to just sit there and smile and take it all in.

So, in that spirit, I will quote just a portion of Confirmation Hearings of Master Yoda, Day Two (if you enjoy this, go read the rest):
Senator Jeff Sessions: Master Yoda, I don't see how you can possibly judge impartially. First of all, you are clearly green and you talk funny. I just don't think you can be sympathetic to white people. Second, it's my understanding that you are actually an alien from the planet Degobah.

Yoda: In Degobah I have resided, but my actual birthplace no one knows.

Senator Jeff Sessions: Well, that's just the point. I mean, we don't even know where President Obama was born, much less you.

Yoda: Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.
In a similar vein, there is also Gail Collins' column in the NYTimes today.

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