I forgot to link last night to Ezra Klein's great post about the Republican budget proposal. (I'd give a hat tip, but everyone linked to it. Post is titled My Favorite Budget Ever.)
Also, MPR had a great story this morning about a pep band from the combined Ada-Borup schools. They have a director who decided to have the kids play music they like, and it is some pretty entertaining stuff. Here is the link to the radio story, and here's a video of the band. (I was hoping for some rap or headbanging in the video, but if I hear it right, it is actually a contemporary Christian song you hear worship bands in church do.)
Also enjoyed this twitter (tweet?) from Glenn Greenwald: "I need to put this Twitter down before I turn into @anamariecox. This is an evil instrument of temptation and sin."
Then there was this beaut from my representative for U. S. Congress, Michele Bachmann, speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show about the desparate times facing us with President Obama leading us down the "lane of economic Marxism": "Where freedom is tried, the people rejoice. But where tyranny is enforced upon the people, as Barack Obama is doing, the people suffer and mourn. ... Do we get into an inner tube and float 90 miles to some free country? There is no free country for us to repair to. That's why it's up to us now."
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