Its the mid-week slump in blogging. It was our turn to bring treats to choir this week, and this choir takes the treat thing very seriously. You don't just show up with a pan of bars. You put out a spread--often fruit/veggies, some sort of dip or other topping with crackers or chips, something sweet, and beverages. Heck, generally there is a tablecloth involved (yes, I brought one tonight).
So last night I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies. (Realized that it has been a really long time since I baked any cookies. I have been in a baking slump--I didn't even bake any Christmas cookies this year!) Then I decided that one batch of cookies was not going to be enough--we're talking 60 people here. (Although it turned out that a rather large number of people were not there tonight. It didn't occur to me to check the pitiful excuses book for tonight prior to making our plans.) So I also made a pan of Rice Krispy bars, and sliced up cheese.
Tom handled the fruit and veggies and schlepped all the refrigerables to church, since he comes home between work and choir. Then of course tonight was the usual Bible study/choir practice deal, which makes for a very long day. And then I came home and cleaned up the kitchen.
So, I have some thoughts on a couple topics (all about me of course, but what else do columnists write about anyway? Write what you know...) that I was sort of assembling in one place this evening. Being new to this organizing-your-thoughts business, I'm not really sure where to begin or how to proceed, so I guess I'll just be muddling through. But it is too late to start tonight.
I will note, finally, that there were two babies this week. Andrew at work and his wife had their second, Bethany Anne. And another Andrew, our organist at church, and his wife Angel had their first on Sunday morning. (Saw an adorable picture of her tonight and heard her name, but I forget what it was. I'm pretty sure it didn't begin with "A" though.) And we have two choir members out--Don had an accident a week ago (I think he was broadsided) and had an operation on his brain, they are still waiting for him to wake up, and Chris had some sort of major ankle reorganization and is going to be recuperating for months it sounds like.
Oh--there were a few cookies left over. :-) (I noticed Tom didn't put them all out.)
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